Inspecting a Puzzle of an Ore under a Petrological Microscope - Old ideas for the FRUIT MAGAZINE


Inspecting a Puzzle of an Ore under a Petrological Microscope

Hunor Traian Deak
Oct 27 · 2 min read
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Geological thin section photo by Hunor Deak

Inspecting a Puzzle of an Ore under a Petrological Microscope

There are many ways to travel around the world,
Seeing many words, worlds, different weather.
There are many ways to go back in time,
You just need a telescope, look up in the sky, the starlight of today was emitted 1000s of years ago!
But there is only one way to travel back in time, and travel the world as well, the Ores-
Petrological microscope.

The Petrological microscope is a strange creature,
Made of multiple stages,
Pulls light sources, and a multitude of lenses,
The stage can be rotated around,
Scattering spectra in all directions.
The microscope opens little worlds!

Slides of rock cut down to 0.003 mm,
Put through the probing light of the eye,
The rock sparkles in a multitude of colours.
Little worlds trapped in stone.

The ores show their true beauty under the direct light as well,
They are gold, creamy with milky, or a tad bit brown,
Chalcopyrite veins cutting the earlier sphalerite,
Hematite dances with Pyrite,
While the Pentlandite looks on,
Telling us the tales of past ore deposition.

The colours dance as the stage spins around,
Garnets, stay ever so dark,
With Olivines keeping their bright blue colour,
Plagioclase feldspars stripe through the maze,
As carbonites dance in a night club like haze,
Way too many minerals to name!

Unicorns hide in the eye piece!

Image for post
Geological thin section photo by Hunor Deak

Everything Begins With An Idea


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