
Hunor Deak: Scottish Geology Trust inspires Angus man to lay foundation for society celebrating Tayside landscape

Image S cottish Geology Trust inspires Angus man to lay foundation for society celebrating Tayside landscape. The early success of the trust has now inspired Arbroath man Hunor Deak to create a group focused on the geological treasures on the area’s doorstep — among them the Angus town’s distinctive red sandstone cliffs. New society will align with aims of Scottish Geology Trust. Hunor, 23, said: “If there was one place in the world you could go to understand how the planet works, why climate changes, why life evolved — Scotland would be it. “The diversity of geology in Scotland has underpinned some of the greatest discoveries about how the world works.” He said understanding of the earth was essential if we want to have a planet we can still live on in the future and the importance of the trust had been underlined by the support for the crowdfunder from multiple universities and international s

Poem: Old Sand

  Poem: Old Sand Hunor Traian Deak · 2 days ago Sand deposited, Deposed, So silly, So silly! Laid in neat rows, High in neat rows, Up on the laird, High upon clowns, Clown of time, Layers of different, Material and gauge, Old as some bygone age! The magic of Stratigraphy, Calling to me! To you! To us! To everyone! 20  

Inspecting a Puzzle of an Ore under a Petrological Microscope - Old ideas for the FRUIT MAGAZINE

  Inspecting a Puzzle of an Ore under a Petrological Microscope Hunor Traian Deak Oct 27  · 2 min read Geological thin section photo by Hunor Deak Inspecting a Puzzle of an Ore under a Petrological Microscope There are many ways to travel around the world, Seeing many words, worlds, different weather. There are many ways to go back in time, You just need a telescope, look up in the sky, the starlight of today was emitted 1000s of years ago! But there is only one way to travel back in time, and travel the world as well, the Ores- Petrological microscope. The Petrological microscope is a strange creature, Made of multiple stages, Pulls light sources, and a multitude of lenses, The stage can be rotated around, Scattering spectra in all directions. The microscope opens little worlds! Slides of rock cut down to 0.003 mm, Put through the probing light of the eye, The rock sparkles in a multitude of colours. Little worlds trapped in stone. The ores show their true beauty under the direct ligh

The Universe is Funny - Fruit Magazine

  The Universe is Funny Hunor Traian Deak Nov 17  · 4 min read The Universe is funny, Don’t you believe it? It exists, Yet scientists are not sure of it. The Earth is big yet so tiny in the sky, The stars above of us certainly shine bright, Yet it is the brightness of the past, When the Moon falls and the stars are chased away, The Dawn has came and it is here to stay. Its colours dance across the sky, from the strange pink light, To the burnt orange of sighs as the golden globe herself rises. Suddenly, the sky is all too blue, With dancing clouds on the horizon, White as the apron of the breakfast table, The green of the grass reflects in the sky blue contrast, As the lakes bellow the mountain reflect the Royal Blue of the sky, The day passes us by, with some lunch brought out in hindsight, As after a refreshing shower, the sunset has come by. Dusk is upon us with the same burnt orange colour, The sun saying her goodbyes to us weary travellers. I wonder into the house as I switch the